Updating postal rates or software on the SendPro C Lite, SendPro C, SendPro+, SendPro C Auto

Confirm your USPS rates, to ensure that you print accurate postage.
Products affected: SendPro® C Lite, SendPro® C, SendPro®+, SendPro® C Auto (2H00, 8H00, 9H00)

Update software and USPS rates automatically

Keep your device turned on and connected to your network 24 hours a day to update software and USPS rates automatically. Your device checks for updates overnight.

Confirm that your device’s rates are current

  1. Locate your Product Code Number (PCN) and 7-digit serial number. Refer to Finding the Product Code Number (PCN) and serial number on your mailing system.
  2. Click Confirm Meter Update to confirm that your rates are current:
    confirm meter update button
  3. Select your PCN from the drop down menu, and enter the serial number in the field provided.
    If the PCN on your silver label is…Select this PCN in the rate confirmation tool
  4. Click Confirm Meter Update.

Check for rate or software updates manually at any time

Even though your device checks for updates automatically, follow these steps to check for USPS rate and software updates manually at any time:

  1. Select Rates and Updates:
    • Tap SendPro Apps, then Rates and Updates.
  2. If new rates or software updates are available, your device downloads and installs updates.
    1. If the rates are available today, this message appears:
      "New postage rates took effect today. Your device has been updated and new rates are already in effect."
    2. If the rates took effect already, this message appears:
      "New postage rates took effect on [effective date]. Your device has been updated and new rates are already in effect."
    3. If the new rates are pending, this message appears:
      "New postage rates take effect on [future effective date]. Your device has been updated and you'll see the new rates then."
  3. To continue tap Got it.

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UPDATED: February 06, 2024