Intelligent Mail Indicia Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The USPS® is mandating a new industry-wide technology standard – Intelligent Mail Indicia (IMI) – to improve service and efficiency. Changes like these raise questions, and we want you to know the facts.
Next IMI webinar on September 12: Only 3 months left to migrate
The USPS® is adopting a new technology standard called Intelligent Mail Indicia (IMI) and as of June 30, 2024,* non-IMI postage technology has been discontinued. Your non-compliant postage device will need to be replaced as soon as possible. Are you prepared? Join us on September 12 for our final IMI migration webinar this year. Register today.

Information Based Indicia (IBI) meter technology is now discontinued by the USPS

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What you need to know

  • Effective June 30, 2024, all Information Based Indicia (IBI) meter technology is discontinued.*
  • To remain compliant and avoid service disruption mailers must switch to an Intelligent Mail Indicia (IMI) solution.
  • If your device is currently not compliant, you’ve entered the migration grace period during which a series of new business rules may apply. 
  • Per the USPS your non-compliant device will need to be withdrawn from service by December 2024.*
  • As an approved USPS partner, Pitney Bowes has you covered with a suite of IMI-compliant solutions.

*Due to enhanced security features, the USPS has extended the service withdrawal deadline for Connect + and SendPro P-Series devices beyond 2024. You can continue using your system through the end of the current lease period and transition to an IMI solution at that time.

How do I know if I have an IBI postage meter?

If you are using one of the following postage devices, you are using IBI technology. Click here to see if you have an upgrade offer available or visit Your Account.

Mailstation/Mailstation 2
Mailstation/Mailstation 2
PCN: K7xx

Replacement: SendPro® Mailstation
PCN: P7xx, PRxx

Replacement: SendPro C-Lite or C/+
PCN: P7xx, PRxx

Replacement: SendPro C-Lite or C/+
PCN: G9xx

Replacement: SendPro C-lite or C/+
DM400C, DM450C, DM475C
PCN: G9xx

Replacement: SendPro C-Auto or SendPro MailCenter
SendPro C 200s/300s/400s
SendPro C 200s/300s/400s
PCN: 2H00,2H0R

Replacement: SendPro C-Lite or C/+
*SendPro P-series
*SendPro P-series
PCN: 4W00, MSFx-MSxR

Replacement: SendPro MailCenter
PCN: 1W00, MSFx-MSxR

Replacement: SendPro MailCenter
*Pitney Bowes Connect +, SendPro® P-Series, and DM Infinity mailing machines have a USPS-approved extension beyond the 2024 service withdrawal deadline. Find information and updates on your DM Infinity replacement solution here and your P-Series and Connect+ replacement solution here.
[Webinar] The Countdown is ON to the USPS® 2024 mandate

The USPS is adopting a new technology standard called Intelligent Mail Indicia (IMI) and as of June 30, 2024,* non-IMI postage technology has been discontinued. Your non-compliant postage device will need to be replaced as soon as possible. Are you prepared? Join us on September 12 to get your questions answered.

Register for the webinar

USPS Mandate FAQs

How do I know if I have an IMI postage device?

If you are using one of the following postage devices, you are using IMI technology and are not required to make any changes at this time.

SendPro Mailstation
SendPro Mailstation
SendPro C Series
SendPro C Series
SendPro C Auto
SendPro C Auto
SendPro MailCenter
SendPro MailCenter

Where can I learn more about how to move to an IMI postage device?

Simply log in to Your Account to view if your meter is IBI or IMI technology.  Here you can access a single view of all active meters and the IBI or IMI designation will appear to the right of the product name. If you are within a year of your lease ending or currently renting, enter your account number here to see if you have any offer(s) available.

Not a client? Click here to have a representative contact you.

When will USPS require non-IMI devices to be removed from the market?

There is a lot going on, so here’s a snapshot of key dates to remember.

  • June 2024: The USPS has discontinued all IBI meters as of this date.* To remain compliant, you must switch to an IMI-compliant solution.
  • December 2024: If your device is still non-compliant by December 2024 you will no longer be able to print postage. Migrate to an IMI-compliant solution to avoid disruptions to your mailing operation.
  • June 2026: DM Infinity™ will be withdrawn from service at this time through a USPS-approved extension. We are fast at work to deliver a solution that meets both your needs and USPS regulations. Find information and updates on your DM Infinity replacement here.

*Due to enhanced security features, the USPS has extended the service withdrawal deadline for Connect + and SendPro P-Series devices beyond 2024. You can continue using your system through the end of the current lease period and transition to an IMI solution at that time.

Why did the USPS mandate a move to the IMI standard?

Postage and transaction data that the USPS gets from IBI technology is limited, and it inhibits them from fully automating some back-office operations (such as refunds and proper postage payment validation).

The IMI standard will provide much more detailed real-time transaction data, enabling the USPS to automate operations, employ better security standards, and ensure correct postage is used. This is not the first technology migration the USPS has mandated, and it certainly won’t be the last. We’re here to make the transition as seamless as possible.

Read more in our latest blog, USPS® IMI: Compliance Comes with Benefits

Interested in learning more? Click here to have a Pitney Bowes sales representative contact you.

How does the new IMI standard benefit my business?

  • Eliminate overspending with the new option to select desired service class for more accurate postage.
  • Improve mail deliverability and efficiency with real-time transactional data.
  • Robust security encrypts sensitive data to facilitate Fraud Detection, making your organization less susceptible to cyberattacks.

I’m not currently a Pitney Bowes client- am I impacted by the IMI mandate?

You may have an IBI device from another vendor.

Click here to see you are impacted.

Pitney Bowes has you covered with our latest family of sending solutions
As the original inventors of the postage meter, we have a more than 100-year relationship with the USPS and we help our clients stay ahead of the curve in the fast-changing world of commerce. Whether you’re already a client or not, we have a solution for you.
Not sure if you’re USPS IMI compliant?
If you are using one of the Pitney Bowes meters listed below, these are considered IMI-compliant and you can continue with your current method of printing postage without any service disruptions.

Existing clients can also login to Your Account to understand if your current technology is compliant.
SendPro Mailstation
SendPro Mailstation
SendPro C Series
SendPro C Series
PCN: 8H00, 8H0R
SendPro C Auto
SendPro C Auto
PCN: 9H00, 9H0R
SendPro MailCenter
SendPro MailCenter
Envelope image
USPS IMI: Compliance comes with benefits

Adopting the Intelligent Mail Indicia is required – but there are also six smart reasons to comply. Read the latest blog from our staff writer for news, tips and updates on the IMI changes.


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*SendPro® P-Series/Connect+® must be withdrawn from service by December 31, 2027.